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StarWars.com Features Terese in an Interview, “War Nouveau: The Art of Terese Nielsen”

The Clone Wars Star Wars Miniatures Terese Nielsen Art

Most of you have seen some of the illustrations I've been painting for the Star Wars miniatures packages. Here's a brand new trio of images for the next set entitled The Clone Wars that is slated for  release on November 11th. I had the privilege of being interviewed by Pete Vilmer from StarWars.com. You can read the entire article at StarWars.com. Here's the first couple of paragraphs:

"One of the perks of working at Lucasfilm is getting to select a few
pieces from Lucas' vast artwork collection to display around one's
workspace. With Lucas Online's recent move into a new building with
empty walls, the staff was able to choose from a collection of recently
acquired paintings, illustrations, and photography to hang in and
around the offices. As luck would have it, Terese Nielsen's original
paintings for Wizards of the Coast's
Legacy of the Force
miniatures collection had just become available, which I and others
immediately snatched up to display around the Online office.

Nielsen had first grabbed our attention with an elegant Padmé
illustration she'd composed for Celebration IV, memorable for its
decidedly Art Nouveau style and stunning depiction of the sultry
blaster-packing senator. Padmé was soon followed by several more
highly-stylized portraits of
Star Wars denizens courtesy of Nielsen's work for Wizards of the Coast, who tapped her to illustrate the packaging for their new line of Star Wars gaming miniatures."

** Check out Terese's other Star Wars related posts.
** View Terese's Star Wars gallery on TereseNielsen.DeviantArt.com!
** See the video demo of Terese adding gold leaf to a Padmé print.