Attention: Orders received between July 18-28th will be shipped July 29th when terese returns.

Meet Terese Nielsen

A picture may be worth a thousand words, but a

Sacred Picture is Beyond Words


My inspiration for creation is rooted in the mystical, unseen forces...​

I’m moved by the ever expanding process of how to translate what I see and feel into a manifestation of form.

My highest desire as an artist is opening myself to become a doorway or portal, wherein light and spirituality merge with the physical plane, radiating beauty and elevated states of being. 

Stirring within me is an amalgam of aspects I love: ancient texts, sacred geometry, whirling strands of DNA, earthly textures, luminous gold, the elegance of the human form, all swimming in an atmosphere of love and transcendence.

My internal tapestry is woven by studying various religions, philosophers, and masters, as well as the elegant cycles and forms within nature… I’m always on the lookout for leaves, petals and other gifts that will frequently find their way into a painting.

My inspiration for creation is rooted in the mystical, unseen forces...​

I’m moved by the ever expanding process of how to translate what I see and feel into a manifestation of form.

My highest desire as an artist is opening myself to become a doorway or portal, wherein light and spirituality merge with the physical plane, radiating beauty and elevated states of being. 

Stirring within me is an amalgam of aspects I love: ancient texts, sacred geometry, whirling strands of DNA, earthly textures, luminous gold, the elegance of the human form, all swimming in an atmosphere of love and transcendence.

My internal tapestry is woven by studying various religions, philosophers, and masters, as well as the elegant cycles and forms within nature… I’m always on the lookout for leaves, petals and other gifts that will frequently find their way into a painting.

Terese Nielsen Visionary Artist
Terese Nielsen Visionary Artist

For me, art is about communication in a visual way. Sometimes, I will pull from a description I have, or a word or phrase and begin by fleshing it out with a list.

These notes stay next to me for constant reference to ensure I am staying true to the message and what I want to imbue within the painting. I let these thoughts and words simmer and percolate in my creative cauldron for a time.

As they marinate, I nestle myself like a cozy kitten amidst the books in my library and await with open curiosity which books and pages want to reveal themselves to me. 

An enticing array of words, images, and concepts coalesce to fill the air with the fragrance of potential and nourishment. I love designing a piece around an underlying symbol or sacred geometry, oftentimes composing the art so that layers of divine harmony peer through and pulse within the art.

This invites the uniqueness of each viewer to experience their own connection and perceptions for contemplation.

My art career began with superheroes, Star Wars and Magic the Gathering, painting a vast array of heroes, heroines, villains and even gruesome images.

As life unfolded I continued to search for something deeper and started to pull together the golden threads of Universal Truths. Those aspects and interests increasingly bubbled up from the depths of my creative cauldron and found their way into my illustration work… visions of unity, transcendence and eternal beauty. Then, there was a period of time that I would consider a game changer. Between 2016-2018 we traveled to Costa Rica three different times for weeklong plant medicine ceremonies. These soul-wrestling journeys, choreographed by Ayahuasca, forever transformed and expanded my perception of existence. The truths gleaned from these voyages formed a bedrock for how I interpret, integrate and co-create with the diverse conditions of life.

In the tarot, there is a term called a “tower moment”. The card depicts a startling image of a bolt of lightning striking the top of a tall tower, causing it to erupt in fire and crumble from the top down, while people plummet from its heights.

The earthshaking moments symbolized by this card are considered the final chapter of a book: often sudden, destructive and painful. In 2019 my marriage of twenty-five years collapsed and several months later my twenty-plus year career creating art for Magic the Gathering ended. I became very internal and gave myself months of time to gather spiritual resources, reflect and rediscover who I was after having these two significant relationships stripped away. Within destruction, space always forms for new beginnings. 

Thus, I chose to deepen the devotion to my spiritual practice. I committed to Buddhist meditation two or three times a day and attended Sanghas four times a week. A couple of months later, I reconnected with the mystical teachings of the Essenes that had captivated me twenty-five years previously. Within these ancient texts I found a path that honors both our loving Earthly Mother as well as the Divine Masculine and Feminine Creators.

My ongoing body of work illuminates the merging of Heavenly and Earthly forces within ourselves as symbolized by the magnificent Tree of Life.

My daily devotionals now include many forms of yoga, meditation and study, which attunes my heart to the whispers of spirit.

Love and compassion are the spiraling rails I cling to, and every choice in each eternal-now moment, is an opportunity to glide along that ascending path. 

Terese Nielsen Visionary Artist

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