Friday Quest: Angel of Thankfulness by Terese Nielsen

"Learn to get in touch with the silence within yourself and know that everything in life has a purpose." –Elisabeth Kubler-Ross


Rowen's Quest:  Count your blessings.

Suggestion:  Put this card near your bed, along with a pen and paper.  Each night for a week, as you go to sleep, write down one new thing you are grateful for.  When you are done, give this card to someone else.

I've been reading a book called, "The Power of Infinite Love and Gratitude."  (See my Amazon widget to the left). It's touched me in a profound way.  I'm learning to give thanks for everything, including (and especially) people and situations that give me FOFGs (Freaking Opportunities For Growth), which I usually don't think that I want!

I know that somewhere on a soul level I have a sacred contract with absolutely everyone that is in my life.  If someone causes me pain or disappointment, I know they're reminding me to look deeper . . . to find my own value, my own purpose for being . . . to derive my sense of self from within the depths of my own soul, from remembering who I really am.  Basing my happiness and self-worth on what others say, or don't say, or what they do, or don't do, usually sets me up for a rough ride.

About The Art:

I rarely like all aspects of any piece that I do (I like parts
of them) but for me I felt like the essence of this piece "thankfulness
and gratitude" really came through. I also rarely (almost never) get to
paint older people and I think they can radiate such beauty, wisdom and
gentleness in their faces, so it was a pleasure to try and depict this.

piece was created using acrylic, colored pencil and airbrush (which
sprays acrylic). The halo's interior is gold leaf and the small circles
around the circumference were made from an old necklace I took apart. I used a
dremel tool to grind off the eyelets on the necklace and then glued it right onto the piece.  Dremels are one of my all-time favorite


-Catch up on more of Terese Nielsen's Angel Quest posts!

-Select your favorite Angel Quest print.