Attention: Orders received between July 18-28th will be shipped July 29th when terese returns.

Friday Quest – Angel of Prosperity by Diane I-Fan Chang

β€œWhat we buy, and pay for, is part of ourselves.”  — Amelia E. Barr

Angel quest angel of prosperity card

Ramani's Quest: Help your community prosper

Suggestion: Support a local small business that you've never tried before.  If it's good, recommend that business to your friends.

Angel quest diane i-fan chang angel of prosperity sketch
The angel featured on this Angel Quest card was illustrated by Diane I-Fan Chang. She's a fellow Art Center College of Design alumni. (For more on Diane, see my previous angel post).  You can see the sketch she submitted to the right.

Witch Terese's Quest Report:

Last weeks' card, Angel of Adventure, suggested I find an adventuresome friend and rope them into doing something neither of us had done before.  And so, well, I sort of chose an adventure that I can't actually talk about here πŸ˜‰

But if you really want to know, then you'll have to study up on the arcane and buy, "Witch in the Kitchen – Magical Cooking for All Seasons" by Cait Johnson. (pg. 179 – Hot Summer Peach Play)

I really love this book.  It helps me get in tune with the seasons, and stay more grounded in earthly rhythms . . . it helps me live a rich, juicy, mother earthy kind of life.

The Summer Solstice is coming up soon.  It's the longest day of the year. 

"When it arrives (between June 20 and 23), something of the intensity of this brief, peak moment enters into our hearts.  For centuries, the Solstice has been honored with a kind of fierce joy: after today, the days will grow shorter, but no matter how brutal the winter winds to come, this moment, this now, is warm and alive."

"And so we make crowns for ourselves from daisies, we hold hands and dance in a circle sunwise in honor of the life-giver across the sky, and we give thought to the ways in which each of us shines for the world."

Ways to celebrate the Summer Solstice:

  • notice the light outside your window
  • become aware of sun patterns on leaves and buildings
  • regard how the sun can make things grow
  • eat golden, round things, taking time to savor it in every way (oranges, eggs, etc.)
  • celebrate fire with a barbecue or open flame
  • decorate your table with daisies and breath your wishes for the harvest to come into the flowers and know that your own soul force will help to create whatever you want and need


-Catch up on more of Terese Nielsen's Angel Quest posts!

-Select your favorite Angel Quest print.