Attention: Orders received between July 18-28th will be shipped July 29th when terese returns.

Montel Williams Catches Sight of Angel Quest

Please tune into the Montel Williams Show this Friday, March 7, 2008!  He will be interviewing Alex and Brian Tinsman (creators of Angel Quest), a project that has my heart all over it.

Also, I’m going to be starting something I’ll call Friday Quest
Every Friday, I’m going to post one Angel card to focus on for the coming week.  I hope you decide to join me in the quest, and participate in the Random Acts of Kindness revolution.

Each Thursday I’ll share my experiences, and I’d really love to hear from you and post your stories and
comments as well.

Thanks for remembering to tune in!   Look for the first ever Angel (Friday) Quest later this week, and get ready to make a difference.Logo_1x125_2