Attention: Orders received between July 18-28th will be shipped July 29th when terese returns.

Mtg’s Force of Will Heats Up Mark Poole’s Library of Alexandria


Apparently this fire shaman, from Force of Will enjoys jumping around wreaking havoc wherever he goes. Who knew that he was the one responsible for demolishing the legendary library of Alexandria! As books are one of my most loved and serious addictions, I'm not at all happy about this. Be forewarned though, one of these times karma will kick in, and seriously bite him in the butt.

As most of you who are looking at this know, the "Library of Alexandria" was originally painted by Mark Poole for the set Arabian Nights. This alteration was based off of his very popular card.

As I continue to paint these alterations, the approach, technique and tools, are becoming more and more similar to the way I paint my larger illustration work. The altered cards are just created on more of a microscopic scale. The entire process of altering this card (from start to finish) was filmed and is now available for viewing!