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Terese Nielsen Will Be at Comic Con San Diego – Will You?

Comic Con
It’s that time again!  Friday’s are usually related to Angel Quest, but those are going to be every other Friday from now on . . . at least until Comic Con 2008 is over!  Mark your calendars and be there if you can: July 24-27, with preview night on the 23rd from 6-9pm.

Comic Con is the one trade show I’ve been going to ever since before I had my first job with Marvel.  Still in school, Cliff (my ex) and I would go down to shop our portfolios around and hope we could get some powerful, beneficent art director to give us a shot . . . which is what happened.

Most years I can be found in Artist Alley, but this year I’m sharing booth space with Mr. Dave SeeleyDave Seeley
Be sure to come visit us at booth 4600, but please don’t come chasing me late at night when I’m out being wild and crazy, forgetting that I have teenagers at home.

Rebecca Guay failed to heed this warning one year . . . I’m sure she’ll stay safely in her hotel room from now on, as I had her under the table after a brutal arm wrestling match.

Oh, and by the way, I’ve been preparing to defeat Donato in leg wrestling . . . . . he thinks he’s “all that.”