Attention: Orders received between July 18-28th will be shipped July 29th when terese returns.



Part 1: ‘Alliances’ Original Force of Will Art Being Auctioned LIVE Now!

Force of Will has always been my signature Magic: The Gathering card, the one that elicits the most excitement and questions. Amongst those questions are: ...
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Super Exciting Announcement!

We’ve launched our long-in-the-works Tokens of Spirit, Kickstarter. The project went live on May 14th 2019! It’s a project that is near and dear to my heart. Creating ...
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Heroes, Villains, Monsters Comic Art Exhibition

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Grand Prix Charlotte + Announcement

We’re back from Grand Prix Charlotte. Many thanks to all of you who stopped by my table to say “Hi”and have things signed. I had a ...
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Mid-Year Update

There’s a lot going on in Terese’s studio these days. She’s prepping for her “best four days of GoH” at Gen Con! 🙂 If you’re there, please swing ...
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Three Crossroads

If you’re in the Los Angeles area please stop by booth #98,“Three Crossroads“ at the Conscious Life Expo in Los Angeles. The event runs February 7th, 8th and 9th. I’ll ...
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